The blue book


Now this is really important and you will thank yourself later for this, believe me. In cases things can get complicated, confusing and long winded and although your case maybe incredibly complexed; judges do not have three days to listen to your reasons nor do they have time to wait in court whilst you find the vital, key piece of information or evidence – in fact this is something that can annoy them.

If you are bringing the case the burden of proof is upon you therefore you will need to prepare your case well. You need to be organised, concise and clear about yourself, your facts and the facts concerning your employer – that is if you are going to dispute them and normally in court, that is what you do, as that is why you are there in the first place.

Therefore from the moment you decide you are going to make a claim, if you haven’t already done so, buy a large hardback A4 notebook. Perhaps you were already keeping notes whilst in employment so your ahead of the game here.  Don’t penny pinch and buy a softback – you don’t want to loose key pages of information. This needs to be well bound with pages that will take writing on both sides, so not thin paper that will tear easily. Equally don’t buy something with pages so thick that you cant turn them quickly and quietly in court – as you will, so invest well. And choose a decent writing pen or good quality biro that is not going to smear and bleed and blotch on pages.

Now in this book, note everything: calls you make – who, date, time, questions asked, general result, note case laws in relevance to your points, note your reasons for doing this or thinking that, keep a diary of events during the entire proccedings. Keep a commincation log between you and everyone you speak to / communicate with this case. Keep the book private and  don’t loose it either. Keep it updated, keep it relevant.

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